Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Patting Patty

Though she lost the world skating finals Patty gets lot of support from her friends and co athletes for having the best season so far of her carrier. radiogoniometer radiometeorograph radiometer radular radiosonde radioscope radix raduliform ragabash raffish rafale raglan ragmatical railophone raguly raisonneur ramellose rake rameal ramate ramentum ramiferous ramie rampallion ramiform rampant ramuliferous rampick ramulus ranarium ramus ranarian rancelman rand rancescent randem randan rangiferine raniform ranine rarissima rappel ranivorous rantize rantipole raptorial rapprochement ranunculaceous raploch raptus rasophore raschel rasorial rasure raster ratemeter rataplan rathe rath raticide ratheripe ratiné ratihabition ratiocinate rationalism ratten ratline ratite ravanastron ravelin realism reast recalesce rebus rebullition reboant rebarbative recadency rebatement rebec recaption recept recense receptacular recherché recidivism recipiangle reciprocornous recision récit recondite reckling réclame reclinate recreant recoct recrement recriminate recrudescence rectalgia rectigrade rectiserial recto rectitudinous rectrix recumbent recure redhibition redan redargue recusant redact reddendum rede redivivus redintegrate redolent redound redoubt redoubtable redshort reef reduit reductionism reel reeve refection refectory refel reflation reflectometer reflet reflexology reflux refluent refocillate refractometer refractory refrangible regal refringency refugium refulgent regalism regelation regardant reginal regius régisseur reglementation reglet regorge regnal regolith regreet regrate regrede reguerdon regula regulus reinfund

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